Dear Nandajis,
With the Blessings of Her Holiness Pujyasri R. Saraswathy Sri Nandalala Religious Trust will be celebrating SRI RAMANAVAMI Festival on Friday the 15th April, 2016, Saturday the 16th April 2016 and Sunday the 17th April 2016. The e-invite with the detailed programme will be sent shortly.
“Ramanavami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Rama on the ninth day (navami) after the new moon day in the Hindu month of Chaitra {This year on Saturday the 15th April, 2016}
Sri Sathya Sai Baba says:
“Rama is Veda Dharma in human form. He is Anandaswarupa (bliss personified) and Dharmaswarupa (dharma personified). On this holy day of Ramnavami you must immerse yourself in the atma as Dharmaswarupa as the motivator of the moral life”
Lord Rama was the prince of the Ikshvaku race. He was virtuous and of manly strength. He was the Lord of the mind and the senses. Brave and Valiant, He was yet Gentle and Modest. He was a Sage in counsel, Kind and Sweet in Speech, and most courteous and handsome in appearance. He was the master of all the divine weapons, and a great Warrior. Ever devoted to the good and prosperity of His kingdom and His subjects, He was a defender of the weak and the protector of the righteous. Endowed with numerous wondrous powers of the mind, He was well versed in all sciences—in military science as well as the science of the Self.
Deep and unfathomed like the ocean, firm and steadfast like the Himalayan mountains, valiant like Lord Vishnu, Though fierce like fire on the battlefield, He was calm like the cool breeze of the Mandara Hills, patient like Mother Earth, bounteous like the God of Wealth and righteous like the Lord of ustice himself. In the pains and the griefs of His people, His heart swiftly sympathised with the sufferers. In the festive scenes which held them in joy, He like a father, shared their joys. By His honour and heroism, as well as by His gentleness and love for His subjects, He greatly endeared Himself to the hearts of His people. Such a great person was the Lord Rama!
Naturally with so many qualities of Sri Rama one should take Sri Rama be your ideal. This will make one to adopt hem in your own life. One should worship Lord Rama with love and worshiping of Lord Rama will be a means to develop such virtues.
Let us resolve to install the principle of Rama in our hearts and experience bliss on the auspicious day of Ramanavami!