Thursday, 22 May 2014

Beat the Heat with Butter Milk : Distributed by the members of Nandalala Seva Samithi Trust at various places across Chennai and India

The Members of Nandalala Seva Samithi Trust have been distributing Buttermilk in various places across Chennai and India for many years now and thousands of people are being benefited every day during the month of Agninakshathiram when the temperature reaches its highest.It is an excellent thrust quencher and has various medical benefits.

Grind spices like ginger, kadi patta, coriander leaves,Raw mango's, Asefoitida, green chillies and add this mixture to watered down curd .Add salt to taste.Filter the Buttermilk before serving.
During Summer showers roasted and grind-ed jeera powder may also be added to the buttermilk.

Drinking it right after a long hot day in the sun is a great way to combat dehydration and fatigue. 

  • Helps calm the stomach after a spicy meal
  • Washes down fats
  • Aids in digestion
  • A great tool against dehydration
  • Gives you calcium sans the fat
  • Provides B complex and other vitamins
  • Reduces blood pressure 
  • Brings about a drop in cholesterol 
  • Acidity Relief

Jai Nandalala

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Nanadalala Medical Foundation's War on Osteoporosis in 2 ½ Hrs….

on 27th April 2014,
thanks to Sri Akka’s initiative,
150 people Benefited
Nanadalala Medical Foundation's
War on Osteoporosis
in 2 ½ Hrs….

Read all about it in the attachment…

Translation of Note on Chandi Homam read-out & circulated during the meeting on 13th April 2014

Sri Chandi Homam
(Shatha Chandi Homam)

(This is a quick translation for those not well-versed with Tamizh.
Forgive us for any errors & feel free to correct any mistakes)

The scanned original in Tamizh (circulated in the meeting on 13th April 2014) is attached with this mail.

‘Devi Mahaathmiyam’ is part of the ‘Maarkendeya Puranam’ – which is one of the 18 Puranas. It starts from the 74th ‘adhyaaya’ and ends with the 86th ‘adhyaaya’.

This work describes the Great Shakthi of ‘Mahamaya Chandi Devi’and comprises of 700 shlokas.

Sri Bhaskararaaya, a wise & learned scholar, gained the darshan of Devi by worshipping her day & night. He travelled extensively - from Rameshwaram to the Himalayas, winning en route, numerous spiritual debates.

He wrote ‘Guptavati’ – the commentary on ‘Devi Mahatmiyam’.  This work is praised for its usage of the ‘Kaathyayana Thanthram’. In this, Bhaskararaya has beautifully described in great detail, the methodology of conducting Homas and given its complete meaning. This is the special feature of ‘Guptavati’.

In this small work, the great divine Shakthi of Chandika Devi is brought out in the form of a dialogue between Sumedas, Surathan, Samadhi & others - making it easy for people to relate to. And worship.

This Devi Mahathmiyam is presented in the form of ‘ Sapthasathi Paraayana
m’ and ‘Chandi Homam’ forms a part of it.

It is stated that during times of difficulties, the Devas worshipped the forms of Devi, Chandi, Chamundi & Kali and successfully overcame the difficulties.

To be continued…